Saturday, January 22, 2005

After the Coronation of Bush v.2.0

I watched the coronation coverage on the TV news on Thursday 1/20/2005. I saw that building with the banners, making it look like barely pre-WW v.2.0 Nazi Deutschland. It was sickening to see. Note that Icall the event of the "inauguration" of our version of Der Fuerher the cronation. I cannot respect a dictator wannabe.

How could 59,000,000 Americans be so fucking STUPID? I do not know. I guess it is from being Christian fundimentalists. Religion, like alcohol, is best done in moderation. It seems that fundimentalists overdo religion like alcoholics do up the booze. Like a drunk, religious nuts have to have something to undo the pain of life. After all, reality sucks! However, the reality of a Bush regime is such that it can only suck worse over time. Not only will things suck worse unless you are a gazillionaire, but drunks will suffer too, as the Bush regime hates booze too!

Bush was once a drunk, but sobered up on finding superstition... err... I mean religion. Worse, it's like he became a megalomaniac schizophrenic. He gets calls from God to do stuff, like invade Iraq. To anyone listening to him with half a brain or better, he sounds sickeningly nuts. But to the 59,000,000 morons, he sounds like a saint.

I don't know. It is absolutely mind-blowing that 59 million of my own countrymen would vote for this megalomaniac named George W Bush. I thought that the Y2K election debacle was bad. That got me to call Florida "the brain-dead voter state". I guess Democracy itself was not Y2K-compliant. Certainly, the Florida voters weren't! Pre-Y2K, I called Florida "the heat stress state".


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